Herald - Issue 453

Page 48 • The HERALD • 15th February 2024 v SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SPECIALISTS v Yours Faithfully... Volunteers Needed, to Enrich the Lives of Older People Age Concern Hampshire is an independent charity dedicated to helping older people so they can continue living independently. Specialist care at their Care and Wellbeing Centres including the Horrill Centre in Dibden and support through other services, ensures clients, caregivers and family have access to support so they can achieve the very best quality of life. The dedication and generosity of volunteers, has proven to significantly enhance the support and activities provided at their centres and groups, offering a wider array of activities that cater to specific needs and interests. This can help individuals discover new hobbies or rekindle old passions, and enjoy engaging activities such as gentle exercise, music classes to crafting and interactive sessions. Brogan Rehill, Fundraising Manager at Age Concern Hampshire said “The support we provide to clients and their carers would not be possible without our incredible team of dedicated and passionate volunteers. Many of our volunteers have been supporting us for many years, and enjoy the social benefits, as well as enjoyment and fulfilment volunteering brings.” To better support the needs of older people in the community, Age Concern Hampshire are urging for more volunteers to support them across their services. Additional support from volunteers brings a diverse range of skills, experiences, and knowledge. Volunteering can be very rewarding, with volunteers complementing the work of the trained staff by offering unique perspectives and talents. Volunteer opportunities are available at their Care and Wellbeing centres in Dibden, Yateley, Locks Heath, and New Milton, making a significant impact on local communities. For those that want to join the board, get involved and actively engage in addressing the forthcoming challenges to charity, Trustee roles are also available. Revelation Revealed! From Cornerstone URC Have you ever wondered how to understand the last book of the Bible? Well here’s your opportunity! Come and explore the book of Revelation with renowned Bible teacher Doug Barnett. An 8-session course on Revelation will take place at Cornerstone Hythe United Reformed Church on the first and third Wednesday evenings of the month from 3rd April to 17th July. Each session will be from 7pm to 8.30pm. The course will be given by Doug Barnett, who served on the staff of Young Life, Moorlands College, Saltmine Trust and as Pastor of Twynham Church for the Community. He is currently serving in an independent, itinerant ministry of preaching, teaching and team building in the UK and Middle East. For many years he has blessed and enriched us at Cornerstone with his light touch, humorous and very knowledgeable preaching. The course will be recorded so you’ll be able to catch up online, should you miss a session. Light refreshments will be available. The course is free of charge, but donations towards costs will be welcome. Do come and join us in this exciting exploration. For more information and to book a place on the course please email: course@cornerstonehytheurc.org.uk or text: 07874 751812. SOUP & SWEET Soup & Sweet at Trinity Church, Hazel Farm Road, Totton, SO40 8WU takes place on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 12.30pm to 2pm. For £4 per person you can have soup with a bread roll followed by a sweet and a tea or coffee. Very good value in congenial company – they hope to see you there! Sunday Services Go along to Blackfield Baptist Church (The Heart of the Village) on Sundays 18th, 25th February, 3rd, 10th and 17th March from 10.30am for their regular services. Everyone is welcome to join them at Hampton Lane, Blackfield for their services. Research shows Volunteers feel they benefit from their volunteering in a number of ways, with enjoyment being the highest rated at 93%. With volunteering offering a meaningful impact to communities and enriching the lives of individuals who rely on these services, support is vital. Volunteering allows Age Concern Hampshire to continue delivering valuable support, provide a wide range of engaging activities and offer essential services. To find out more and learn how you can support the charity through volunteering, please contact Age Concern Hampshire by calling: 01962 868545. Founded in 1985, Age Concern Hampshire provide services to the older community of Hampshire. The charity currently deliver support at their Care & Wellbeing centres throughout the county, as well as Help at Home, Information via their Information Hub, Foot care clinics, Hospital to Home Services, Community Information Volunteer Services and a variety of other activities. For more information, visit: www.ageconcernhampshire.org.uk Volunteers needed for Age Concern Hampshire LET’S GET QUIZZICAL Let’s Get Quizzical on Saturday 24th February promises to be a great time of quizzing and challenging fun at Cornerstone Hythe URC (doors open 6.30pm). There will be six rounds played over two hours, with a half time interval and interactive challenges to pick up extra points for your team. Suitable for all age groups, and for families there are half price tickets for under 18’s. Go as a team (maximum of six) or join with others on the night. Take your own cold drinks (beer or wine if you wish) and nibbles. Tea and coffee will be provided during the interval. Tickets at £5 (under 18 £2.50) from the Cornerstone Church Office, New Road, Hythe (Tel: 023 8084 5005) or email: office@cornerstonehytheurc.org.uk. Proceeds will be going to the Church’s Building Repairs Fund to help with huge repair costs. Further event coming soon: Murder Mystery Dinner on Saturday 20th April – tickets £20. Music at Beaulieu Music at Beaulieu starts its 2024 season on Saturday 24th February with a concert given by the Bournemouth Sinfonietta Choir. The Choir was formed in 1972 and performs a wide variety of sacred and secular music from the 16th century to the present day. Under Director David Gostick their programme at Beaulieu includes works by Bach and Alec Roth and a version for choir and violin of The Lark Ascending by Vaughan Williams; Kate Turnbull is the violinist. Music at Beaulieu concerts are held at Beaulieu Abbey Church and start at 7pm. Doors will open at 6.30pm. Tickets at £15 each may be bought online from: musicatbeaulieu.org.uk or through their box office, telephone 07770 859900 and are £10 each, children under 12 are free. Looking ahead, on 16th March The Mayflower Ensemble, will present a programme of 19th and 20th century music for cello, clarinet and piano. Are you a service member of the Armed Forces, a Veteran, or family member of someone serving? If so, 17th Port and Maritime Regiment RLC would like to welcome you to their monthly breakfast club which is open to all current and ex-military services, all ranks, all ages and families. The aim is to come together as an Armed Forces Family, catch up with friends, help social interaction and mental health, talk about current and past experience, support towards housing (SFA’s and social), resettlement support for civilian life, job networking and offer fitness wellbeing advice. Go along and enjoy a full English Breakfast at a very small cost of £5 with unlimited FREE brews at Sgts Mess, 17RLC, McMullen Barracks, Cracknore Hard Lane, Marchwood SO40 4ZG on the fourth Saturday of the month between 10am and 12noon. The next two meet ups take place on Saturday 24th February and Saturday 23rd March. All personnel attending will need to book into the Guardroom on arrival and will need photograph ID, you will then be directed to the mess. Marchwood Veterans Breakfast Club