Herald - Issue 454

Page 38 • The HERALD • 7th March 2024 v THE HERALD - ENCOURAGING LOCAL ENTERPRISE v Health, Beauty & Wellbeing The Waterside Physiotherapy & Osteopathy Clinic www.thewatersideclinic.co.uk Jon Eyres and Associates • NECK AND BACK PAIN • PREGNANCY RELATED PAIN • ACUPUNCTURE • ARTHRITIC PAIN • ALL SPORTS INJURIES • SHOULDER/ARM PAIN Treatment by Chartered Physiotherapists and Registered Osteopaths Registered with all major health insurers and HCPC Tel: 023 8020 7764 First Floor, South Street Centre, Hythe, Southampton SO45 6EB Kit Davison FHP MCFHP MAFHP Qualified Foot Health Practitioner • Corns, Calluses, ingrown toenails, • Athlete’s Foot and thickened toenails. • Toenail and fingernail cutting. Flexible appointments and home visits available. 07752 674591 kdavison@kdfootcare.co.uk http://kdfootcare.co.uk Navigating the Challenges: MCAS Sufferers’ Struggle for Recognition and Treatment – Can You Help? From Jemma Heighway, local MCAS Sufferer Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) poses a complex challenge for individuals in the UK, where su erers encounter signi cant hurdles in obtaining a diagnosis, accessing appropriate treatment, and grappling with a lack of awareness surrounding this o en misunderstood condition. One of the primary struggles faced by those with MCAS in the UK is the protracted journey to diagnosis. With symptoms ranging from skin rashes and gastrointestinal issues to severe allergic reactions, the elusive nature of MCAS o en leads to misdiagnosis or dismissal of symptoms. Patients may endure years of uncertainty and frustration before and understanding of the condition. Advocacy and education are crucial to dispelling these misconceptions and fostering an environment where individuals with MCAS can receive the support and care they need. In response to these challenges, a recent petition has been launched, advocating for increased awareness, research, and support for UK MCAS su erers. e petition aims to draw attention to the struggles faced by individuals with MCAS, urging policymakers, healthcare professionals, and the public to prioritise the needs of this o en-overlooked patient population. As awareness grows and advocacy e orts, like the petition, gain momentum, there is hope that the plight of those with MCAS in the UK will be recognized, leading to improved diagnosis, better access to tailored treatments, and increased understanding within the broader community. obtaining an accurate diagnosis, exacerbating the physical and emotional toll of the condition. Accessing suitable treatment proves to be another formidable obstacle. Many individuals with MCAS nd that standard treatments for allergies and autoimmune disorders fall short. e intricacies of managing mast cell activation demand a nuanced approach, o en involving a combination of medications, lifestyle adjustments, and careful avoidance of triggers. However, limited awareness among healthcare professionals about MCAS o en results in delayed or inadequate treatment, leaving su erers struggling to manage their symptoms e ectively. Compounding these challenges is the pervasive lack of awareness surrounding MCAS. Both within the general public and the medical community, misconceptions persist, impeding timely recognition If you would like to help by signing the petition please visit: petition.parliament.uk/ petitions/652842?fbclid=IwAR3aQrugpe_TekCwdOy4vZUv85ncWR7uA16a2X0KCr4TeNiwmonfjWwDIr Need a Job but Scared of Interviews? by Alan Jones, Registered Hypnotherapist e question is straightforward but your mind has gone blank, your heart beats faster and you can already feel the cold sweat forming. And that’s just arriving for the interview and being asked your name! If you are returning to the job market a er time out raising children or, trying to get a better job on your chosen career ladder, interviews can be daunting and turn even the experienced job hunter into a nervous wreck. Don’t let a lack of con dence hold you back from achieving what you want. Discover how Hypnotherapy can reduce stress, and anxiety, and build self-belief so that you arrive feeling calm, con dent, and able to showcase your best abilities. Hypnotherapy can provide the techniques to unlocking your interview success, whether you are getting back into work, or aiming for promotion. Contact: alan@alanjoneshypnotherapy.com or call: 07786 376980 for information and an appointment. Everyone is very welcome to go along and join in any of their walks: Thursday 7th March, 2pm, Roundhills for a 2.3 mile walk, Saturday 9th March, 10.30am, Burley CP for a 5.6 mile walk, Monday 11th March, 10am, Kings Hat#2 for a 2.6 mile walk, Thursday 21st March, 2pm, Dibden Inclosure for a 2.3 mile walk and Monday 27th March, 10am, Applemore Recreation CP for a 2.5 mile walk. Contact Mike Roberts on 023 8084 7461 or 07811 361319 for more information about the Waterside Health Walks group. Waterside Health Walks Tai Chi at Colbury e Colbury Memorial Hall Tai Chi group meet on Monday mornings. Led by New Forest Martial Arts Tutors, this group is a friendly place to improve your tness and health and takes place Mondays at 9.30am for a prompt start.